Wednesday, November 29, 2006

آمدم اینجا و یادم رفت که سوم آذر به تقویم کنونی جشن آذرگان بود
«نماز به تو ای آتش، ای بزرگ‌ترین آفریده­ی اهورامزدا و سزاوار ستایش»
یسنا 62، بند 9
لطفا در مورد جشن آذرگان که یکی از جشنهای آتش است بیشتر در آریابوم بخوانید

« رفت پي نواهايي كه سالياني بود از وي جدا شده بودند / گشت تا بيابدشان،‌ گم شد"»
بهرام بیضایی به مناسبت درگذشت بابک بیات

Monday, November 27, 2006

آدم باید هر روز لبخندی هدیه کند و اگر هم پا داد به یک موسیقی خوب گوش کند


"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is usually more important than the outcome. Not everyone can be No. 1."

Arthur Ashe

Shah's Message to the Blue eye people

I wonder how many of us have seen or heard this video. I have seen the seat that Shah sit when he talke about these issues.
You can find more parts of this very important interview at youtube, but rememeber what happened just 3-4 years after this interview.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

دوست دارم همیشه برف بیاد

برف که میاد دلم وا میشه
برف که میاد دوست دارم فقط برم توش بدوم
برف که میاد دلم میخواد موقعی که دارم میدوم تو رختخواب گرمم باشم
امروز داره برف میاد و دوست دارم زیر کرسی مادرجون باشم با اون ذغالای توپیش
برف که میاد مامانمو میخوام که تو بغلش بخوابم و گرم شم
بابامم میخوام که هی قربون صدقم بره تا لوس تر شم
برف که میاد خوشجال میشم
چون همه خاطرات خوبی که با تو داشتمم میاد جلو چشام
تازه تعطیلم میشه مدرسه ها و همش دم رادیو منتظرم که بگه امروز همه مدرسه های تهران بستس
دوست دارم همیشه برف بیاد

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Casino Royal

Casino Royal was a typical James Bond movie. Perhaps the best definition is the one which is written by Roger Ebert in his website: "This is possibly the most indulgent film ever made."
In this movie, everything is happening just for James in a very funny ways. Nobody even thought they can be real ! This is a very big weak point when people know they are going to be decieved from the begining.
Anyways, I liked the story. Although the story was a typical James Bond story, people could stay awake because it was told in an intresting way.
I am not an expert, but I in my opinion Casino Royal doesn't have many good shots.
Overall, I think this a commercial movie that even a comedy one.
از فیلم نوشتم یکم و میخوام یکمم از آدمایی که تو اون 2-3 ساعت سفرم به خونه دیدم بنویسم . آدما عجیبن . جالبه که نمیشه خوندشون
آقایی اومئ و از من آدرس پرسید . میدونین آدرسی که پرسید چی بود؟
میخوام برم خونم ! میدونی چجوری باید برم ؟
ساده ، واقعی. مست بود ولی جرقه ای توی ذهن من زد دوباره
میخوام برم خونم ! میدونی چجوری باید برم ؟
میخوام برم خونم ! میدونی چجوری باید برم ؟
میخوام برم خونم ! میدونی چجوری باید برم ؟
داشتم با مهدی حرف میزدم و اول بهش خندیدم ولی بعد ساعتها بهش فکر کردم
آدمای دیگه ایم بودن . یه پسر سیاه پوست بود که تو اون سرما از اتوبوس پیاده شد تا با دوستش منتظر اتوبوسی بشن که باید دوستشو به خونه میبرد
زندگی قشنگه

Requiem for a dream

Have you seen the movie "Requiem for a dream"?

"When they use, a window opens briefly into a world where everything is right. Then it slides shut, and life reduces itself to a search for the money and drugs to open it again. Nothing else is remotely as interesting."

Please read the Roger Eberd paper on this movie here.

قصه سینما رفتن من

همین الان رسیدم خونه ! ساعت 3:13 دقیقه هستش و 2 ساعت از داون تاون تو راه بودم تا برسم خونه
جالب بود امروز هم . از اون موقعهایی که میگی روزی بود خاطره انگیز
صبح ساعت 8 سر کار بودم تا ساعت 4 که رفتم ورزش . نمیدونم که خوب کاریه که یه پروزه دیگه بگیرم و این کارمو 1-2 ماه معطل کنم یا نه ! دارم روش فکر میکنم
ساعت 9:45 بود که مهدی جان زنگ زد و رفتم جمز باند جدید دیدم . البته با بابا حرف زدم و گفتم که دارم میرم . ساعت 1 و خورده ای تموم شد و تا الان تو راه بودم ! ونکووره دیگه
خلاصه روز پر کاری بود. الانم یه چای دبش دارم و با شکلات دارم نوش جان میکنم
راستی بافتنی مامان خیلی حال داد . تو برف قدم میزدم و حال میکردم .
تو مدت 30-40 دقیقه ای که واسه اتوبوس وایساده بوم به آ دمایی که بودن خیلی فکر کردم . به حرفایی که به هم میزنن و به رفتاری که دارن
جالب بود واسم . تو پست بعدیم از اونا و از فیلم مینویسم

Thursday, November 23, 2006

اصلا ایران الان چجوریه ؟
هنوزم تو فرحزاد ساعت 12کرکره ها رو میکشن پایین؟
هنوزم آهنگای افتخاری رو میذارن ؟
نمیدونم که دلم میخواد به این سوالات که اینجا خوندم جواب بدم یا نه ولی کامنتی رو که عطا نوشته بخونید
مشکلی دارم
گم کردن چیزی
موبایلم پیدا شد
و کلیدم که در جیبم جا گذاشته بودم
حتی رقص را هم پیدا کردم
ولی احساسم را نه

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We did

Leo Sayer - When I Need You

This song was Lana's favorite. She sang this song for me many times. She was cool.
I can remember all we did. You can't believe how much fun we had. Have you ever walk 2 times in Enghelab sport complex when the "Jade Tandorosti" was covered by snow, and sing a song and hug you girl friend, and say hello to everybody you see? Have you?
Have you ever gone to a place in Shahre rey (A city south of Tehran) to eat "Shole zard" and bring a smile on the face of a poor family?
Have you ever ...


Monday, November 20, 2006

One of my friends told me why you tell Tofino is the best. just look at my backgroud! I look at it and I can't believe I was there!

I feel really bad these days. Like a looser who is far behind other people. Almost everybody notices that these days. I went to work, and one of my friends had written to me on a piece of paper:

"You know! I believe in you. For my sake, believe that there is no mountain you can't climb, no towers to high. No plane you don't learn how to fly.
You know my friend, long term achievements are accomplished on day to day effort. "

Sunday, November 19, 2006

رشد جمعیت در ایران

یکی از دلایلی که با عمو احمدی حال نه چندان اساسی میکنم ؛ حماقت محض جناب است ! در مقاله ای که در روزنامه همبستگی چاب شده یکی از نزدیکان احمدی نزاد از سخنان دوباره او در مورد تغییر شاخص جمعیتی ایران دفاع و تاکید کرده که گروهی مشغول بررسی موضوع هستند.
این مساله از 2 جهت قابل فکر است: در ابتدا نشان میدهد که اقای احمدب نزاد نه از سر نادانی , بلکه از سر بیسوادی و تربیت دینی مطلق ( که تاکید بر درست بودن نظر شخص به هر قیمتی دارد) به اینگونه رفتارها و گفتارها دست میزند و دلیل دوم که به نظر من از دلیل قبلی بسیاز تاسف بار تر است ؛ بستن چشم خود به عمد است تا به مشکلات عمیق ایران زمین و ایرانیان بیافزاید. دقت کنیم که بسیاری از مردمان اهل فکر و تحلیل نیستند و گلایه ای هم از ایشان نیست. چرا که شاید قرنها از موهبت داشتن سواد و حتی از فکر کردن محروم بوده اند و بخاطر رهایی از این وضعیت اسفبار به هر ریسمانی چنگی میزنند .
شرایط فعلی که 11.2% نرخ بیکاری در کشور وجود دارد و 40% از جمعیت زیر خط فقر زندگی میگذرانند و 13.5 % تورم در کشور زندگی را جهنم کرده است , به نظرمیرسد که راه حل عمو احمدی نه از روی عشق به میهن یا تفکر بلکه از روی عناد با ایران زمین و لجاجت بازی بچگانه با رقبا پیشنهاد شده است
امید دارم مردم کمی بیشتر فکر کنند
The World fact book from CIA (I can't put the link because of the filtering)

خرجم زیاد شده خیلی

دارم خرجایی رو که کردم مینویسم ! ای بابا ، خیلی خرجم رفته بالا . لامصب مواظب نباشه آدم همینطوری خرج میکنه
امروز با نوید بیشتر صحبت کردم و بهتر شناختمش ، با هم خریدی رفتیم و در مورد موارد مختلف گبی زدیم . بسر خوب و سربزیریه ! امیدوارم همنشینی با من کار دستش نده


“For the first time in human history, Cyrus used his great power to improve the human condition rather than degrade it.”

Dr. David Stronach (UC Berkeley)

I put some pictures of the protest for abusing an Iranian student at UCLA. It is very important to me why they should treat to a student like a criminal while they call for justice in the world,and pass resolutions about the human rights against the other cultures, but not governments. right?
When they want to say something bad, persians and persian culture are always there, but they don't talk about persian culture in any positive aspect. Even in american universities, when they talk about history, and cultures or civilization, they ignore the persian culture. For example, go to University of Washington cultural website here. Where is Iran?
To know a little bit more about human rights in persian empire please watch a short clip about Cyrus the great here.
Something to think about ...

Please read about it in the LA times here.
It's important to know why we want to go and live in a place where they can not even tolerate the civilised disobedience. I should mention I have many great american friends, but I don't like the way of americam government treat to other nations.
My friend, I know you love the USA, but please think about a country in that you can not fly any other flag but the americam one.
It's your choice, but if I were you, I never put my picture with american flag on my profile!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Some of my photos from Tofino

Fucking Justice in AMERICA

Look at the fucking justice in USA ! Great USA!
An UCLA Iranian student abused by US police. Fuck you!
Read more about it in BBC

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life goes on. With God or without God

How many times do we live? How many times do we die?
Yes, I saw 21 grams again. How much is 21 grams? a new born child weight or a weight of a chocolate bar?
Is it important how we live? Is it important how we love?
What is important?
Is it important to whom we bitrate? Our friend, girl friend, boy friend, mom, dad , or God?

Lana sent me an email. I believe in that.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sunny day

I am alway with you mom and dad. I am happy that you know that. I am trying to write as simple as possible for you guys.
By the way, I woke up at 9:00 today. The first thing that I said was : "OH MY GOD! SUN! SUN! SUN! "
We are the luckiest people in the world. Usually in November, it is impossible to see the sun here, but we saw it. It was sunny and nice when we went to Tofino town. Tofino is a small, but very beautiful town. The center of the town has 2 blocks, and it has just 1 blinking light ! We went to beach from 2 different trailes, and we took tons of pictures. Oh, we got on a boat and saw the town while we enjoyed sunny day on the boat.
I forgot to write that we went to first nation's gallery, and bought a painting as a souvenir of Tonifo.
Behrooz and I want to go to the beach now. It is 2 minutes away us. We can smell it. We can hear it.
Oh, a funny story. Today I woke up by the Kouhyar's voice when he sang the "Azan"! I scared! Wow, they are comming! No, No, No! Get away from me! the last 3 sentences were my thought when I woke up today. Dawn to Islamic Republic to make us hating these kind of things even if they be sung by our friends!
Anyways, I will update you soon.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wonderful start

Woke up at 10:00 , I took a shower. Just imagine if you take a shower and meantime, you can see the biggest ocean and people who surf in that beautiful ocean.
We had a wonderful breakfast, and are going to go to see the Tofino, national park, and rain forest during the day.
Ah, not to mention that we are going to go to walk on the beach under the light rain now.
Love you mom. Love you dad.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Try to keep hope

I ate a snak 2 hours ago after th e most delicious nap in the world under the voice of the rain. I was quite surprised when I listened to the Angela and her mom's conversation during the snak time about the cancer patients and the way a nurse could and should treat them. Her mother mentioned to a very imporant issue: the role of the hope in the life. Aco rding to her, being hopeful is one of the most important characteristics that everybody should have in his/her life.
Dr. kouhyar and Dr. Behrooz sleep now and Angela and her mom went to a community gathering in the town, and I just found that I got under average in my gerontology midterm despite all of my effort ( I think because of my english) . I was working on the gerontology paper during the last 3 2 hours, and hopefully I can do the better job for the paper and in the final.
anyways, our host designed and built her house herself. This is the most peaceful and bewutiful house in the world. Every thing is perfect. The walls colors are light yellow, light pink, white, ... . The floor is a very good hardwood and you can find sea shells and other sea stuff all around the house.
She had gone to town before we came to buy Sangak bread for us. She is gorgeous.
Oh, my friend asked me if there is the internet in Tofino? YES! Tofino with surrounding area has 1500 people, but they have the high speed wireless internet, and they know how to use the internet and actually they use it quite often. Not to mwntion that we are talking about the people who have high education (i.e. mostly university degree) who love to live in the country.
Here is quiet, peaceful, and nobody cares about life. These people see life as it is. Very easy.

I wokp up by the voice of the pacific ocean today. I came back from the beach walking. LOOK! The nearest land is Japan ! Wow, God ! I am in the heaven. One of the most beautiful palaces in the world is Tofino. Tofino is a westest corner of the Canada, and there is no land after this place till Japan.
Our host is the Kouhyar's friend's mom, and I really impressed by her hospitality. I had the best breakfast ever this morning : The best Coffee, pan cake, diferent fruit, and maple syroup. I am going to take a nap for half an hour and eat lunch. Then we wanna go to town.
God! I am living. I am enjoying my life. I don't care about life, and I feel good about it.
Mom, dad! I'll update you every couple of hours. So, watch up!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


درسی داریم که در مورد شناخت سن و چگونگی رفتار با سالخوردگان است . اگرچه آنچه به ما در کتاب می آموزند برام خیلی جالبه ، ولی روش درس دادن استاد و روش درس خوندن دانشجو هم کاملا به فکر وادارم میکنه . تمام کلاس به سوال و جواب استاد از دانشجو و دانشجو از استاد میگذره و این مساله تا داخل اتوبوس و اسکای ترین هم ادامه پیدا میکنه
در مورد این مساله داشتم فکر میکردم و به این نتیجه رسیدم که چون میشه نتیجه های این سخنها رو در جامعه دید ؛ همه دوست دارن تا انرزی و فکر بگذارند و خیلی جدی راجع به موضوعهای با اهمیت ساعتها صحبت کنند و در این میان نحوه کار تیمی و روش حل کردن مشکلها از جمله موضوعهاییه که هنوز هم من تعجب میکنم از دیدنشون. در این کلاسی که گذشت ؛ در آخر کلاس با 5 نفر دیگر از همکلاسیها در مورد اینکه

آیا باید کمک کرد تا افراد سالخورده که از فرهنگهای متفاوت به کانادا آمده اند ؛در این فرهنگ جدید غرق بشوند با اینکه باید دولت به آنها کمک کنه که فرهنگ خودشن رو نه تنها حفظ کنند بلکه تا اونجا که میتونند به کانادا هم منتقل کنند ؟

Sunday, November 05, 2006

See you some day

چنان دل كندم از دنيا كه شكلم شكل تنهايي است
ببين مرگ مرا در خويش كه مرگ من تماشايي است
مرا در اوج مي خواهي تماشا كن تماشا كن
دروغين بودم از ديروز مرا امروز حاشا كن
در اين دنيا كه حتي ابر نمي گريد به حال ما
همه از من گريزانند تو هم بگذر از اين تنها
Pouya always told me people who commit a suicide are very brave. I don't know. I was her friend for more that 15 years. I thought I know her very well. Such a stupid boy! She called me two days ago after years to say she loved me!
She was happy. Very happy . . .
I'll see you some day.

Hilarious Dance Performance

Please watch this show. It's not easy to make poeple happy. I am not a talented person in performing, but I really appreciate people who can do an amazing art like THIS.

یه دل میگه برم برم, یه دلم میگه نرم نرم
طاقت نداره دلم دلم , بی تو چه کنم ؟
پیش عشق ای زیبا زیبا , خیلی کوچیکه دنیا دنیا
با یاد تو ام هرجا هرجا بی تو چه کنم ؟

If you don't know Monika Jalili , she is a american lady without any persian background. She married to her Iranian husband and got interested to persian folk music.
I really enjoyed her performance. We all can do whatever we want. We need try.
For more information about her please click Here.

I really recoment listening to her performance. Please Click HERE

یه روزی میاد که نمیدونیم کی هستیم
یار کی بودیم و عشق کی بودیم و چی هستیم
She thinks that I am in love because I am not home often. She told me this is feeling of a mom!
I hope something change in my life though. I am not a person who live like this. I have enjoyed 27 years of my life and work for 1 year ! just last year. The year that I came to Canada for better life and opportunity. This is my goal. I am satisfied with my overall life. I did great in my carrier, but my life is silent.

Why I am changed? How I am changed? The problem is nothing can make me feel what I like. I loved talking about issues which I thought important. I loved flirting with girls, and ... .
Now, I just like to work. Hanging out with 2 or 3 (not very close) friends [exept Kouhyar who I really think he is great] does not satisfy me.

Last night, we went to a bar. Live music, dance, beer, girls, rain, and ciggar ! Last year being in this situation was my dream. I love to go to this place again, but I have to try to make myself happy. I just wanna know why! It bothers me a lot.

PS. I went to "Yas" yesterday for the first time! I lied to my friends as it was very weird that I never had gone to Yas before! I told them I was there once. Crap! I wasn't there.
I am in Vancouver for more than a year and I have never gone to a Symphony! It's just 10$ for students. I went to cinema once. I listned to live music yesterday for the first time! , I never watch a tennis match , and ...

I promissed myself to LIVE ! I have cheated.

I revealed these facts to punish myself not to lie anymore. I need to learn to accept the responsibility even if I cheat to somebody. In this case, to myself.
I promissed Behzad to LIVE when I leave that jail (ie. Iran's current society). Apparently, I didn't ...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Unbelievable attitude

I can't believe that I am studying now!
I am really changed !!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

بافندگی با عشق

امروز روز بامزهای بود . ساعت 8 تو دانشگاه بودم و کارم و شروع کردم . داشتم میرفتم سوپر وایزرمو ببینم که همون اول صبحی یکی گفت :
I like your sweater!
من فکر کردم با یک آدم دیگه داره حرف میزنه . موقع برگشتن بازم بهم گفت :
I just told you I like your sweater.
شمردم ! تا الان 18 نفر بهم گفتن این حرفو امروز . این بخاطر اینه که با عشق بافته شده
نوید همخونه جدیدمه و به نظر میرسه روزهای خوبی در راه باشه . پسر خیلی خوبیه
بعضی وقتها ما آدما واقیتها رو رد میکنیم ! پنهونشون نمیکنیم ! با دلیل بحثی نمیکنیم و فقط ردشون میکنیم . یادته روزای بچگی که همیشه به همه چی میگفتیم آره ؟ خیلی ساده آدما رو باور میکردیم . راحت بودنشون رو حس میکردیم وقتی بهمون میفهموندن که نمیخوان آزار برسونن ؟
الان من بدون دلیل بالاییا رو نمیپذیرم و خیلی سخت آدما رو باور میکنم . زندگیت سخت میشه بچه جون , از ما گفتن
I saw a special person today, she just believes in anybody ! We were at the dance class and she danced with many guys. I noticed her as she made me happy with a big smile and a joke. We talked together as we wanted to go to the same lab.
She was honest. She didn't care about the enemies, that the enemy can show you your weaknesses and can emphasis on your personality to know you better . Isn't it great ? I don't think our friend can do that!
She was a child who didn't like to grow up .
ببخشید که همه چیو قاطی کردم ! این چند وقته دلم میخواد هی کارای جدید کنم و کار جدید درست و حسابی پیدا نمیکنم