Sunday, November 19, 2006


“For the first time in human history, Cyrus used his great power to improve the human condition rather than degrade it.”

Dr. David Stronach (UC Berkeley)

I put some pictures of the protest for abusing an Iranian student at UCLA. It is very important to me why they should treat to a student like a criminal while they call for justice in the world,and pass resolutions about the human rights against the other cultures, but not governments. right?
When they want to say something bad, persians and persian culture are always there, but they don't talk about persian culture in any positive aspect. Even in american universities, when they talk about history, and cultures or civilization, they ignore the persian culture. For example, go to University of Washington cultural website here. Where is Iran?
To know a little bit more about human rights in persian empire please watch a short clip about Cyrus the great here.
Something to think about ...

Please read about it in the LA times here.
It's important to know why we want to go and live in a place where they can not even tolerate the civilised disobedience. I should mention I have many great american friends, but I don't like the way of americam government treat to other nations.
My friend, I know you love the USA, but please think about a country in that you can not fly any other flag but the americam one.
It's your choice, but if I were you, I never put my picture with american flag on my profile!


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