Saturday, October 07, 2006

Why am I here?

Hossein Reza zade got GOLD medal again. He has a charming face. Powerful arms, and he loves IRAN . He didn't want to get millions of dollors to stay an Iranian residence. Why we want to pay thousands of dollors NOT to be an Iranian residense?
Think about it. Iran has the biggest number of brain drain phenomena in the word. Come to SFU ! You can speak Persian and do whatever you want ! Dean of the engineering school is Dr. Mehrdad Saif . Yes , I love him. He is absolutely cool, but why he is here?
Why I am here?
For better life? better job? better ... ! whatever, I found that I can catering here, but I couldn't do that in Iran. I found that I work for 15 hours here, but I didn't in Iran. I found that I love to research, but I hate that when I was in my country.
Whatever encourages me to be like this Behzad make me stay here, and work hard to improve western society.


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